Monday, April 13, 2009

Going to get serious about lifting weights, supplements that I must have?

I am a male, in my late twenties, and am going to embark on a daily exericse routine. I have a few items at home, but need advice on things to take that are the utmost importance. I am rather lean, but from past experience, I made quick results, as long as I stick with it. Looking to build muscle. Here is what I currently have. Thanks. Would three months be enough time to notice results?

mega man vitamins

CLA from GNC

Glutamine from GNC

Phospagen from EAS

Forza T from Instone


Blue,Green Alage pills

Going to get serious about lifting weights, supplements that I must have?
I have a website that has personal supplement reviews on it. I take supplements and then discuss how well they worked for me. Check out the site at and if you have any feedback or questions feel free to email me. thank you and I hope my site helps you out. w

beauty quotes

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