Monday, April 13, 2009

Brain Juice?

What are some good supplements for buffing up the brain?....Benefits of Ginkgo? other tasty noggin nutrition?

Brain Juice?
I highly recommend %26#039;Spirilina%26#039;. It is a natural combined vitamin %26amp; mineral. A few years ago I went to a natraupath because I wanted to increase my energy levels both physically and mentally bc live a pretty busy lifestyle -full time work, study and regular exercise - he advised spirilina capsules(you can get liquid form also)

Its amazing for energy, mental alterness and capacity. Most important its natural and also provides a good does of essential vitamins and minerals promised in commercial muti-vitamins.

After about 5 days you will feel great!
Reply:Have you tried kidnapping healthy people and eating their brains? Then you%26#039;ld have the strength of multiple people.
Reply:fish, i heard.

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